Withdrawal of Participating Teams Policy
The APLU board has approved a policy to cover withdrawal of a team from an APLU event. The APLU manages competitions in the region and including qualification events for WL World Championships.
The National Governing Body (NGB) of an APLU Member is the body responsible for the actions of all
of its teams entered in APLU events.
In running tournaments, due to the logistics of travel in the region, the potential small number of
teams and the need to sign contracts for services well in advance of the tournament it is imperative
that host countries not be out of pocket if teams withdraw. This policy is similar to the equivalent
World Lacrosse policy but has an additional schedule for withdrawal up to 180 days. The rationale
here is that many contracts are signed 6 months in advance and with lower numbers of participating
teams it is not always possible to recover costs.