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- The APLU board has approved a policy to cover withdrawal of a team from an APLU event. The APLU manages competitions in the region and including qualification events for WL… read more →
- The Asia-Pacific Lacrosse Union (APLU) is excited to announce the hosts for three upcoming events. Event Details Highlights Korea will host the inaugural U16 Sixes Championship and U12 Youth Festival,… read more →
- July 5, 2024 – Samarkand, Uzbekistan The first-ever Asian Lacrosse Games (ALG) 2024, hosted by the Uzbekistan Lacrosse Federation (ULF) in Samarkand, wrapped up successfully. From July 1st to 4th,… read more →
World Lacrosse News
The APLU Board formally announces that the APLU will not utilise or engage in social media communications on matters between members and the APLU. All such matters will need to be conducted through formal communication channels only.
Fostering good communication with Members is essential to the success of this website. We welcome your input, feedback and comments. Once established the only way for this website to grow and fulfil its purpose is by sharing information and your input is valued. The APLU shall continue to build partnerships, acknowledging that working together creates greater opportunities for everyone. We are committed to this resolve, and look forward to working with you all in the future. Lacrosse is a truly exciting game for participants and spectators and we welcome your support in projecting this message and promoting its activity throughout the Asia Pacific region in the future.
Yours in APLU lacrosse,
Mike Slattery
Note that the flags are added in the order of acquiring membership of the APLU.